Ora Margolis is a writer based in New York City. She specializes in the past, present, and future of Japanese subculture, from lowbrow to high-end, interviewing everyone from taxi drivers to designers and local legends.

Following the advice to “write about what you know,” Margolis took her formative experiences living as a young artist in Tokyo to honestly chronicle the highs and lows of her immediate creative network, one gallery show, dive bar, and capsule collection at a time. Writing about the very communities she's a part of, she’s best known for her deep-dive articles on obscure topics in the realms of art and style as a senior editor at sabukaru online and as a freelance writer for other international publications. Although NYC-raised, Tokyo will always be her adopted home.

Aside from writing and production work, Ora able to provide cultural insights bridging Japanese culture to the rest of the world and visa versa; connecting people, brands, and products.